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I am back and a bit more REAL..Jen goes from crickets to full-disclosure

Episode Summary

After a six-month hiatus, I return to discuss a challenging personal period. Joined by coach Emily Nascimento, we aim to encourage openness about personal struggles and mental health, and the importance of self-care and authenticity in tough life choices.

Episode Notes

Where has Jen been? A planned 8-week hiatus turned into a 6-month pause, by necessity...I have been processing a lot of personal stuff and the conversations are getting even more REAL. In this first episode back, I am unpacking one of the most difficult seasons of my life and getting more honest with myself and all of you. I invite dear friend and coach, Emily Nascimento, to join me in a discussion that hopefully encourages others who need permission, as I did, to:

a. take a break where necessary and get the care they need

b. normalize conversations about personal struggle and mental health

c. be true to themselves when making really difficult life decisions

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Guest Bio: 

Emily Nascimento is a facilitator, ceremonialist, embodied leadership coach, philosopher, hiker and aspiring elder. 

Her vision for humanity is that we awaken to the magnificence of our cosmological story so that we can follow the evolutionary impulse to fully participate in the unfolding of creation before us. 

She leverages modalities rooted in depth psychology, nature-based rites of passage, ceremony and somatics to support people in discovering their authentic soul purpose and courageously committing to leading and living from this place.


Jen holds space for those who want to elevate and amplify their voice. If you desire support in speaking your truth and want to explore the ways you can work with Jen, let's connect: 

podcast website:
Instagram: @realjenoliver
TikTok: @realjenoliver
Facebook: @realjenoliver

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